Tag Archive: Lean in

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Intelligent Women: Leading from Fear or Love?

Do women lead by fear? I don’t think so. Should they? I don’t know. In my experience many women, in many ages and phases of life, parenting, leading, following, volunteering, partnering are doing what they’re doing by love not fear. Here’s a quote from a Harvard Business …

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How Can You “Lean In” if You Have the Negative Self-Talk Habit?

The early pages of Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg contain many examples of NST — Sandberg’s or other women’s thinking habit. She doesn’t label it negative self-talk, but notes the frequent presence of the imposter syndrome and self-criticism in many women.  Examples from her book: ” Show me a woman without guilt …

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If You’re Into Negative Self Talk, Leaning In and Power Posing Won’t Work

Have you been following the hype, hoopla, and humor about Leaning In and Leaning Out? Leaning In is Sheryl Sandberg’s new book with advice for women who want to be leaders;  get more pushy, assertive , lean in, rather than back off. Leaning out is a funny comment by a male columnist …

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Leaning in, Leaning out, Standing up straight, or Lying down; Children Make It Harder

Here’s an excerpt from an article in The Atlantic by Matt Zeitlin on women in leadership. I found it very refreshing and different in tone, slant, focus from the articles and commentary from women that have been frequent in the last 6 months or so. Zetlin’s thoughts were motivated …

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