Boosting Spatial Relationship Skills for Girls — with help from Annie Murphy Paul A friend once referred to me as “directionally challenged” when I lost my way on a run while visiting her and almost missed my plane. I absolutely agreed with her and recognized that figuring out directions are a subset of the …
Tag Archive: Annie Murphy Paul
Aerobic Exercise Great for Executive Function of Brain: Kids to Seniors
An extremely useful, informative, specific — and not so surprising blog post from Annie Murphy Paul, writer and expert on learning. “Conversation: a surprising way to improve “executive function” Chances are you’ve recently heard or read about the importance of “executive function”—the set of higher-order mental skills that allow us to …
Confusion Can Lead to Clarity
Taking a brief break from positive, negative self and other talk, and realistic self-talk to post this fascinating article about confusion as a contribution to learning by Annie Murphy Paul. Her blog is titled The Brilliant Blog. It’s related to her special interest in neuroscience and learning and mine, neuroscience and brain fitness. “The Virtues …
Intentions, Motivation, Observation and Learning
WOW! If you intend to learn from what your observing or if you’re watching out of general interest or curiousity, a different outcome occurs. Annie Murphy Paul notes this on her Brilliant Blog. I’m trying to put this in action with my brain investment of strategic allocation of attention. Maybe observing and listening to a …
Get Ready to Speak Publicly — Writer to Speaker
Overpreparation is the key for a writer to speaker shift according to Jane Bowman, former event coordinator at Eagle Harbor Books on Bainbridge Island, WA. Here’s a quick summary of my Field’s End presentation to writers preparing to do a reading. Annie Murphy Paul is a great example of “It’s never too …
Realistic Instructional Self-Talk Does the Trick
Realistic self-talk is generally more useful than positive or negative self-talk. Instructional self-talk, particularly out loud, improves people’s problem solving skills. See more about talking out loud problem-solving at or search for “talking out loud” in a previous post on Here’s a paragraph of what Annie Murphy Paul has to …