Category Archive: Reduce Your Stress

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Soundlessnes for Stress Reduction and Efficient Thinking

Noise Creates Stress A recent NY Times article, titled “I’m Thinking. Please. Be Quiet.”, quotes the opinion of Arthur Schopenhauer in 1850 Frankfurt, Germany. “Noise is the supreme archenemy of any serious thinker.” . . .  “A great mind can have great thoughts only if all its …

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Daydreaming for Stress Reduction and Perspective Change

Information Overload More people I talk to are recognizing the consequences of trying to manage information overload. How much can you read and remember for any useful purpose? How long can you hang on to a research report before you use it?  How quickly will it be updated or downgraded due …

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Stress Reduction Via Meditation

A Peak of Stress When I was at the peak of stressful times and stressed out self, I knew about meditation, believed in it and taught therapy clients how to meditate for stress reduction. My thoughts were, “I’m too hyped, too stressed, too stuck with situations over which I have no control, that meditation won’t …

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Negative Self-Talk and Pessimistic Thinking: Let ‘em Go

Letting Go of Negative Self-talk and Pessimistic Thinking is Wise Action How can you kill two habits with one stone? Or diminish both NST and pessimistic thinking with the same techniques? Not easily, but more efficient than breaking each habit — one at a time. Martin Seligman Ph.D. wrote a superb book called Learned Optimism

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Opting Out and/or Opting In?

Opting out? Staying home with the kids? Choosing to get back in the work chaos? Are you a women who at mid-career, in your thirties or early forties decided to opt-out and stay home with the kids? Or did you stay home all along and now are wondering if you should/could/ go back to work …

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Women and Stress — ARGH!

Do you think you experience more stress than the average women? Or are you more stressed than the average man? Do you cope with stress well or become emotional and can’t think straight?  The Stressed Sex, a new book by Daniel and Jason Freeman is interesting, focusing on mental health differences between the genders. Here …

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Negative Emotions, Created by Negative Thinking, Can be Beneficial?

Negative Self-Talk, Negative Thoughts, Negative Emotions Although started out and continues to focus on women’s negative self-talk habit, a recent spate of studies/articles points out that, “Negative emotions are essential for mental health,” according to Tori Rodrigues’s article “Taking the Bad with the Good” from Scientific American Mind, May/June 2013. What are negative emotions? …

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Improve Your Resistance to Stress

Do you want to improve your ability to cope with stress? Of course you do! The better you manage the effects of internal and external stressors on your body, brain, and mind, the healthier, calmer, more productive, and brighter in the moment you’ll be. Constant high levels of stress can damage brains, …

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Negative Self-talk Creates Stress and Decreases Brain Fitness

What’s the effect of stress on brain fitness? Neither brains or bodies function well when under too much stress. A post notes, “Liv­ing with high lev­els of sus­tained stress can have a pro­found neg­a­tive impact on your psy­cho­log­i­cal and brain health. While often there is lit­tle we can do to change …

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How Can You “Lean In” if You Have the Negative Self-Talk Habit?

The early pages of Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg contain many examples of NST — Sandberg’s or other women’s thinking habit. She doesn’t label it negative self-talk, but notes the frequent presence of the imposter syndrome and self-criticism in many women.  Examples from her book: ” Show me a woman without guilt …

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